Reviewed articles:

1. Schaeffel f., Willmund R. (1985). Visual signals in the courtship of Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Insect Physiology 31, 899-907.

2. Schaeffel F. and Howland H.C. and Farkas L. (1986). Natural accommodation in the growing chicken. Vision Research 26, 1977-1993.

3. Schaeffel F. and Howland H.C. (1987). Corneal accommodation in chick and pigeon. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 160, 375-384.

4. Schaeffel F., Farkas L. and Howland H.C. (1987). Infrared photoretinoscope. Applied Optics 26, 1505-1509.

5. Mathis U., Schaeffel F. and Howland H.C. (1988). Visual optics in toads (Bufo americanus). Journal of Comparative Physiology A 163, 201-215.

6. Schaeffel F. and Howland H.C.(1988). A mathematical model for emmetropization in the chicken. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 12, 2080-2086.

7. Schaeffel F. and Howland H.C. (1988). Visual optics in normal and ametropic chickens. Clinical Vision Sciences 3, 83-99.

8. Schaeffel F., Glasser A. and Howland H.C. (1988). Accommodation, refractive error and eye growth in chickens. Vision Research 28, 639-657.

9. Howland H.C. and Schaeffel F. (1988). Development of accommodation and refractive state in the eyes of humans and chickens. In: Development of the vertebrate retina, ed. by Finlay B. and Sengelaub D.R., Plenum Press, New York, pp. 267-282.

10. Murphy C., Bellhorn R., Williams T., Burns M., Schaeffel F. and Howland H.C. (1989). Physiological optics and ocular anatomy of the sea otter (Enhydra lutris). Vision Research 30, 23-32.

11. Schaeffel F. and de Queiroz A. (1990). Alternative mechanisms of enhanced underwater vision in the garter snakes Thamnophis melanogaster and T. couchii. Copeia 1990(1), 50-58.

12. Schaeffel F., Troilo D., Wallman J., and Howland H.C. (1990). Developing eyes that lack accommodation compensate for imposed defocus. Visual Neuroscience 4, 177-183.

13. Schaeffel F. and Howland H.C. (1991). Properties of the feedback loops controlling eye growth and refractive state in the chicken. Vision Research 31, 717-734.

14. Schaeffel F., Howland H.C. (1991). Measurement of pupil size, direction of gaze, and refractive state by on-line analysis of digitized video images. Topical meeting on non-invasive assessment of the visual system: Technical Digest. Optical Society of America, Santa Fe, pp. 76-79.

15. Schaeffel F., Rohrer B., Zrenner E. (1991). Diurnal control of rod function in the chicken. Visual Neuroscience 6, 641-653.

16. Schaeffel F., Mathis U. (1991). Underwater vision in semi-aquatic European snakes. Naturwissenschaften 78, 373-375.

17. Wagner H., Schaeffel F. (1991). Barn owls (Tyto alba) use accommodation as a distance cue. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 169, 515-521.

18. Wesemann W., Schaeffel F. (1992). Beeinflusst die Seherfahrung den Refraktionszustand? - Ein Bericht über neue tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen zur Emmetropisierung des Auges in der Wachstumsphase. Augenärztliche Fortbildung 15, 40-51.

19. Schaeffel F. (1992) Experimentelle Ergebnisse zur Entstehung von Refraktionsfehlern. Zeitschrift für praktische Augenheilkunde 13, 221-226.

*20. Rohrer B., Schaeffel F., Zrenner E. (1992). Longitudinal chromatic aberration and emmetropization: results from the chicken. Journal of Physiology 449, 363-376.

21. Schaeffel F., Wagner H. (1992). Barn owls have symmetrical accommodation in both eyes, but independent pupillary responses to light. Vision Research 32, 1149-1155.

22. Schaeffel F. (1994). Functional accommodation in birds. In: Perception and motor control in birds. (Davies M. and Green P., eds.). Springer Verlag, pp. 35-53.

23. Schaeffel F. (1993). Visually-guided control of refractive state - Results from animal models. In: Early visual development, normal and abnormal (K. Simmons, ed.) New York, Oxford University Press), pp. 14-29.

24. Schaeffel F. (1992). Optik des Auges. In: Physiologie des Menschen. (Deetjen P., Speckmann E.J., eds.). Urban und Schwarzenberg, München, pp. 78-82.

*25. Li X.X., Schaeffel F., Kohler K., Zrenner E. (1992). Dose dependent effects of 6-hydoxy dopamine on deprivation myopia, electroretinograms, and dopaminergic amacrine cells in chickens. Visual Neuroscience 9, 483-492.

26. Schaeffel F., Wilhelm H., Zrenner E. (1993). Inter-individual variability in the dynamics of natural accommodation in humans: relation to age and refractive errors. Journal of Physiology 461, 301-320.

27. Schaeffel F., Kohler K., Hagel G., Zrenner E. (1994). Suppression of deprivation myopia but not lens-induced myopia by 6-hydroxy dopamine. Vision Research 34, 143-149.

28. Schaeffel F., Hagel G., Eikermann J., Collett T. (1994). Off-axis refractive state and astigmatism in amphibians and chickens. Journal of the Optical Society America A 11, 487-495.

*29. Weiss S., Schaeffel F. (1993). Diurnal growth rhythms in the chicken eye: relation to myopia and retinal dopamine levels. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 172, 263-270.

*30. Weiss S., Schaeffel F., Wilhelm H., Zrenner E. (1993). Pupil perimetry by real-time analysis of digitized video images. In: Ophthalmic and Visual Optics/Noninvasive assessment of the Visual System Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, Washington D.C.), Vol. 3, pp. 225-228.

31. Schaeffel F. (1993). Myopia: Experimental results from animals amd humans. McGill Ophthalmology 5(3), 8-11.

*32. Bartmann M.L., Schaeffel F., Hagel G., Zrenner E. (1994). The effects of constant light on deprivation myopia, lens-induced refractive errors and retinal catecholamine levels in chickens. Visual Neuroscience 11, 199-208.

33. Wilhelm H., Schaeffel F., Wilhelm B. (1993). Entwicklung der Pupillennahreaktion. Klinische Monatsblätter Augenheilkunde 203, 110-116. *34. Bartmann M.L., Schaeffel F. (1994). A simple mechanism for emmetropization without cues from accommodation or color. Vision Research 34, 873-876.

35. Schaeffel F., Bartmann M.L., Hagel G., Zrenner E. (1995). Studies on the role of the retinal dopamine/melatonin system in experimental myopia in chickens. Vision Research 35, 1247-1264.

36. Schaeffel F., Howland H.C. (1995). Guest Editorial for special issue on myopia. Vision Research 35, 1135-1141.

*37. Schwahn H.N., Schaeffel F. (1994). Ciliary muscle tension has no effect on eye growth in chicks. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 35, 3516-3525.

*38. Ott M., Schaeffel F. (1995). A negatively powered lens in the chameleon. Nature 373, 692-694.

39. Schaeffel F., Wagner H. (1996). Emmetropization and optical development of the eye in the barn owl (Tyto alba). Journal Comparative Physiology A 178, 491-498

40. Murphy C.F., Schaeffel F., Howland H.C. (1995). Natural accommodation in the cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). Journal of Comparative Physiology A, eingereicht.

*41. Rickers M., Schaeffel F. (1995). Dose-dependent effects of pirenzepine on deprivation myopia and lens-induced refractive errors. Experimental Eye Research 61, 509-516.

*42. Hoffmann M., Schaeffel F. (1995). Melatonin and deprivation myopia in chickens. Neurochemistry International 28, 95-107.

43. Schaeffel F. (1995). Feinsteuerung des Augenlängenwachstums durch Sehen. Neuroforum 4, 12-21.

*44. Diether S., Schaeffel F. (1997). Local defocus and local eye growth in chicks with normal accommodation. Vision Research 37, 659-668.

*45. Ohngemach S., Hagel G., Schaeffel F. (1997). Concentrations of biogenic amines in fundal layers in chickens with normal visual experience, deprivation and after reserpine application. Visual Neuroscience, in press.

*46. Ott M., Schaeffel F. (1997). Binocular interactions of accommodation in the chameleon during prey capture. Journal Comparative Physiology A, in preparation.

*47. Schwahn H., Schaeffel F. (1997). Flicker parameters are different for suppression of myopia and hyperopia. Vision Research, in press.

*48. Gekeler F., Schaeffel F., Howland H.C., Wattam-Bell J. (1997). Measurement of astigmatism by automated infrared photoretinoscopy. Optometry and Vision Science, in press.

49. Feldkaemper M., Schaeffel F. (1997). Are spatial and luminance information independently processed to control myopia development? Experimental Eye Research, in preparation.

50. Schaeffel F., Weiss S., Howland H.C. (1997). Threedimensional reconstruction of surfaces by automated infrared photoretinoscopy. In: Visual Science and its Applications. Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC), Vol. 6, 42-45.

51. Schaeffel F., Diether S., Feldkaemper M., Hagel G., Kaymak H., Ohngemach O., Schwahn H. (1996). Myopia from deprivation? Systems analysis and possible biochemical correlates. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Myopia, in press.

52. Schaeffel F. (1997) Studies on visual control of eye growth in animal models: what we learn about human myopia? Current Concepts on Myopia, Rom, Sept. 21-24, 1995, in press.

53. Schaeffel F., Zrenner E. (1997). Steuerung des Augenlängenwachstums durch Sehen: Tierexperimentelle Befunde zur Kurzsichtigkeit und mögliche therapeutischen Konsequenzen. Deutsches Ärzteblatt, in press.

54. Schaeffel F. (1997). Retinale Steuerung des Augenwachstums bei Vögeln, insbesondere die Rolle des Dopamins. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, in preparation.


1. Mathis U., Schaeffel F., and Howland H.C. (1987). Visual optics in toads. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 28 (suppl.), 217.

2. Murphy C., Bellhorn R., Williams T., Burns M., Schaeffel F. and Howland H.C. (1988). Physiological optics and ocular anatomy of the sea otter (Enhydra lutris). Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 29 (suppl.), 454.

3. Schaeffel F. and Howland H.C. (1987). Accommodation and eye growth in chicks. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 28, (suppl.), 217.

4. Schaeffel F. and Howland H.C. (1987). Eye growth in chickens wearing lenses. Society of Neuroscience Abstracts 13, 1534.

5. Schaeffel F. and Howland H.C. (1987). A schematic eye for the 30 day old myopic chicken. Annual Meeting of the Optical Society, Rochester, New York.

6. Schaeffel F., Troilo D., Wallman J. and Howland H.C. (1988). Chicks without accommodation become hyperopic or myopic from wearing lenses. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 29 (suppl.), 445.

7. Howland H.C. and Schaeffel F. (1988). A mathematical model for emmetropization in the chicken. Society of Neuroscience Abstracts 14, 397.

8. Howland H.C. and Schaeffel F. (1988). Accommodation in the chick eye: mechanical model and off-axis refraction. Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America 1988.

9. Schaeffel F., Mathis U., and de Queiroz A. (1989). Mechanisms for enhancement of under water vision in natricine snakes. In: "Dynamics and plasticity in neuronal systems", Thieme Verlag, (ed. by N. Elsner and W. Singer): 310

10. Romano V., Schaeffel F., and Howland H.C. (1989). Stress-strain relationship in the chick cornea and its relation to accommodation of the eye. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 30 (suppl.), 507.

11. Schaeffel F., Murphy C.J., and Howland H.C. (1989). Accommodation and visual optics in the cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 30 (suppl), 508.

12. Schaeffel F. and Howland H.C. (1989). Plasticity of refractive development in chick eyes. In: "Neural mechanisms of Behavior". Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York (ed. by J. Erber et al.), 193.

13. Schaeffel F., Mathis U., de Queiroz A. (1989). Visual acuity of natricine snakes in air and water. In: "Neural mechanisms of Behavior". Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York (ed. by J. Erber et al.). 192.

14. Schaeffel F. and Howland H.C. (1990). Properties of visual feedback loops controlling eye growth and refractive state in the chicken. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 31 (suppl.), 1239.

15. Schaeffel F., Zrenner E. (1990). Kritische Bewertung der Rolle des Akkommodationstonus bei der Entwicklung von Myopie - Überblick über neue Ergebnisse von Tiermodellen und Mensch. 74. Tagung der Baden-Württembergischen Augenärztlichen Vereinigung, #45.

16. Schaeffel F., Howland H.C., and Zrenner E. (1991). Experimentelle Myopie - Neue Ergebnisse zur Regulation des Augenwachstums. Klin. Monatsblätter Augenheilkunde 198, 146.

17. Schaeffel F. (1990). Critical evaluation of the role of accommodation in emmetropization and myopia. Proceedings of the International Society of Eye Research, Vol. 6, 503.

18. Schaeffel F., Zrenner E., Howland H.C. (1990). Regulation von Achsenlänge und Refraktion im wachsenden Auge des Haushuhns. 88. Jahrestagung der deutschen ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft, #135.

19. Rohrer B., Schaeffel F., Zrenner E. (1991). The UV receptor cannot emmetropize the chicken eye. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 32 (suppl.), 1205.

20. Rohrer B., Schaeffel F. (1991). The ultraviolet receptor cannot emmetropize the chicken eye. In: "Synapse-Transmission-Modulation", Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York (ed. Elsner N., Penzlin H.). 182.

21. Schaeffel F., Wagner H. (1991). Barn owls use accommodation as a distance cue. Verhandlungen der deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 84, 358-359.

22. Schaeffel F. (1991). Visual control of eye growth and refractive state? Experimental evidence from the chicken eye. In: "Synapse-Transmission-Modulation", Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York (ed. Elsner N., Penzlin H.). 181.

23. Schaeffel F., Kohler K., Zrenner E. (1991). Visually-guided control of refractive state? Experimental evidence from the animal model of the chicken. Fortschritte Ophthalmologie 88 (suppl.), S341.

24. Schaeffel F. (1991). Emmetropization in chick eyes: optimizing refractive state by visual feedback control. OSA Annual Meeting Technical Digest 17, 75.

25. Schaeffel F., Kohler K., Hagel G., Zrenner E. (1992). Deprivation myopia and ametropia induced by spectacle lenses result from two different mechanisms in chicks. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 33 (suppl.), 1802.

26. Bartmann ML, Weiss S., Schaeffel F., Zrenner E. (1992). Diurnal eye growth and dopaminergic rythms in the eyes of chickens. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 33, (suppl.), 1805.

27. Bartmann M.L., Bubser M, Schaeffel F. (1992). Inter-individual variability in retinal dopamine levels and deprivation myopia in chickens. In: "Rhythmogenesis in Neurons and Networks" Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, New York, (Elsner N. and Richter D.W., eds.), 400.

28. Schaeffel F., Hagel G., Kohler K., Zrenner E. (1992). Pharmacological evidence for two separate visually-guided feedback loops for control of eye growth and refractive state in chickens. In: "Rhythmogenesis in Neurons and Networks" Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, New York, (Elsner N. and Richter D.W., eds.), 398.

29. Weiss S., Schaeffel F. (1992). Deprivation myopia in chicks: a result of altered diurnal retinal dopamine rythms? In: "Rhythmogenesis in Neurons and Networks", Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, New York, (Elsner N. and Richter D.W., eds.), 399.

30. Hagel G., Schaeffel F., Bartmann M.L., Zrenner E. (1993). Enhancing deprivation myopia by sulpiride and 5,7-dihydroxy tryptamine: do these results help to understand the role of dopamine in the control of axial eye growth? Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 34, 891.

31. Schaeffel F., Howland H.C., Weiss S., Zrenner E. (1993). Measurement of the dynamics of accommodation by automated real time photorefraction. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 34, 2968.

32. Bartmann M.L., Schaeffel F., Zrenner E. (1993). The effects of constant light on retinal dopamine levels, deprivation myopia and lens induced changes in eye growth. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 34, 2492.

33. Bartmann M.L., Schaeffel F. (1993). What are the features in the retinal image that are used to control axial eye growth? In: "Gen-Gehirn-Verhalten", Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, New York (Elsner N., Heisenberg M., eds.), 452.

34. Schwahn H., Schaeffel F. (1993). Lack of an effect of paralysis of ocular accommodation on refractive development in the chicken. In: "Gen-Gehirn-Verhalten", Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, New York (Elsner N., Heisenberg M., eds.), 453.

35. Rickers M., Schaeffel F., Hagel G., Zrenner E. (1994). Dose-dependent effects of intravitreal Pirenzepin on deprivation myopia and lens-induced refractive errors in chickens. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 35 (suppl.), 1801.

36. Schwahn H., Schaeffel F., Zrenner E. (1994). Ciliary muscle activity has no effect on refractive development in chickens. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 35 (suppl.), 1800.

37. Schaeffel F., Bartmann M.L., Zrenner E. (1994). Depletion of dopamine and serotonin in the chick retina by reserpine: effect on deprivation myopia and electroretinograms. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 35 (suppl.), 1801.

38. Ott M., Schaeffel F. (1994). Natural accommodation and visual optics in the chameleon (Chameleo calyptratus). Proceedings of the 22nd Goettingen Neurobiology Conference, Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, New York (Elsner N., Breer H., eds.), 468.

39. Schaeffel F., Bartmann, M., Hagel G., Kohler K., Zrenner E. (1994). Drug-induced alterations of myopia induced by translucent occluders in chickens. Proceedings of the 22nd Goettingen Neurobiology Conference, Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, New York (Elsner N., Breer H., eds), 523.

40. Rickers M., Schaeffel F., Hagel G., Zrenner E. (1994). Dose-dependent effects of intravitreal pirenzepine on deprivation myopia and lens-induced refractive errors in chickens. Proceedings of the 22nd Goettingen Neurobiology Conference, Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, New York (Elsner N., Breer H., eds.), 524.

41. Schaeffel F. (1994). Diurnal Rhythms in the chicken eye and their relation to myopia development. Acta Neurobiologica Experimentalis 54, 91.

42. Hoffmann M., Schaeffel F. (1994). Deprivation myopia and its relation to the retinal dopamine/melatonin system in chickens. Acta Neurobiologica Experimentalis 54, 92.

43. Schaeffel F., Hagel G. (1995). Local deprivation myopia and local retinal dopamine. Proceedings of the 23rd Goettingen Neurobiology Conference, 527.

44. Hoffmann M., Schaeffel F. (1995). Melatonin and deprivation myopia in chickens. Proceedings of the 23rd Goettingen Neurobiology Conference, 526.

45. Hoffmann M., Schaeffel F. (1995). Retinal melatonin and deprivation myopia in chickens. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 36, 1911.

46. Ott M., Schaeffel F. (1995). A unique optical design in a vertebrate eye: the negative power lens of the chameleon. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 36, 3523.

47. Schaeffel F., Hagel G. (1995). Local myopia and local retinal dopamine metabolism in chicks. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 36, 1909.

48. Kriegbaum H., Wilhelm H., Wilhelm B., Schaeffel F. (1995). Interocular differences in accommodation and pupillary reaction. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 36, 2118.

49. Schaeffel F. (1995) Optimierung der retinalen Bildschärfe durch visuelle Steuerung des Augenlängenwachstums beim Haushuhn (Gallus domesticus). Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 88.1, 230.

50. Gekeler F., Wattam-Bell J., Schaeffel F. (1996) Measurement of human astigmatism with infrared photoretinoscopy. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 37, 3313.

51. Diether S., Schaeffel F. (1996) Local changes in eye growth after imposed local defocus. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 37, 4598.

52. Schwahn H., Schaeffel F., Zrenner E. (1996) Effects of flickering light of varying duty cycles on the refractive development in chicks. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 37, 4596.

53. Feldkaemper F., Schaeffel F. (1996) Are retinal image brightness and spatial frequency distribution independently processed during deprivation myopia development? Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 37, 4597.

54. Ohngemach S., Schaeffel F. (1996) Concentrations of biogenic amines in fundal layers in chickens with normal vision, deprivation and after reserpine application. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 37, 1497.

55. Ohngemach S., Schaeffel F. (1996) Concentration profiles of biogenic amines in fundal layers in chickens with normal vision, deprivation and after reserpine application. Proceedings of the 24th Goettingen Neurobiology Conference, 64.

56. Wallman J., Schaeffel F. (1996) Uses of blur to guide emmetropization. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 37, 2128.

57. Diether S., Schaeffel F. (1996) Does imposed local defocus induce local changes in eye growth? Proceedings of the 24th Goettingen Neurobiology Conference, 65.

58. Feldkämper M., Schaeffel F. (1996) Control of refractive development from retinal image features: brightness versus spatial frequency content. Proceedings of the 24th Goettingen Neurobiology Conference, 66.

59. Schaeffel F., Weiss S., Howland H.C. (1997) Reconstruction of the optic disc topography and other surfaces by infrared photoretinoscopy. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 38, 1584.

60. Diether S., Wallman J., Schaeffel F. (1997) Form dperivation may change the contrast sensitivity function (CSF) of chicks. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 38, 2518.

61. Wattam-Bell J., Schaeffel F., Kusel R. (1997) Measurement of large refractive errors with eccentric photorefraction. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 38, 4532

62. Feldkaemper M., Diether S., Schwahn H., Schaeffel F. (1997) Are experimental myopia and hyperopia based on similar retinal processing? Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 38, 2520.

63. Ohngemach S., Tham I., Cheng H.-M., Rajan U., Cew S.J., Schaeffel F. (1997) Diurnal variations in sensitivity to deprivation myopia or near work in chickens and humans. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 38, 2527.

64. Schwahn H., Schaeffel F., Zrenner E. (1997) Effects of atropine in the chicken retina: in vitro studies on a retina-RPE-choroid preparation. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 38, 3507.

65. Kaymak H., Hagel G., Schaeffel F. (1997) intravitreal atropine suppresses deprivation myopia in chicks much more efficiently than dopamine agonists. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 38, 3508.

66. Tham W.K., O'Brien L., Rajan U., Cheng H.M., Saw S.M., Chew S.J., Schaeffel F., Ohngemach S. (1997) Lack of temporal variation in sensitvity to near work in school-age myopia. Invesrtigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 38, 4545.

67. Schwahn H., Schaeffel F. (1997). Effects of atropine and dopamine in the chicken retina: in vitro studies in a retina-RPE-choroid preparation. Fortschritte der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, im Druck.

Funding support: (major sources only) (1) German Research Council DFG Scha 401/1-1, Scha 401/1-2 (1986/87) DFG ZR 1/3-1 (1988/89/90) DFG SFB 307, TP A7 (1991-1999) DFG Scha 518/9-1 (1996) (2) European Community EN 107790 (1994/95) (3) Hermann und Lilly-Schilling-Stiftung TS 013/152 (1994-1999) (4) Max-Planck-Forschungspreis (1996-2001)


"Attempto Award", Tübingen, 1991 (DM 5,000.-). "Award of the German Ophthalmological Society" (DM 10,000.-)

"Schilling-Stiftungsprofessorship" (C3) of the "Stifterverbandes der Deutschen Wissenschaften" (1. Juli 1994 - 30. Juni 1999)

"Max-Planck-Forschungspreis for International collaboration 1996" (DM 250,000.-)